All manufacturers of all types of vehicles across North America are required by state and federal laws to assign a unique 17 digits VIN number for each and every vehicle they manufacture. Without a valid and verified VIN (vehicle identification number), you will be unable to prove the ownership of your vehicle legally.
If you are in possession of a vehicle new or used, you absolutely have a VIN number on your vehicle. Here are the most common areas and ways to find your vehicle identification number:
Check around the lower left-hand side dashboard (behind the steering wheel) of your vehicle.
Check by the side of the driver’s seat.
Check the rear wheel rims on your vehicle’s mainframe.
Pop the engine hood and check the front engine for a metal plate with VIN.
Check the wind-shields and vipers from outside your car for VIN.
Check behind the spare-tire.
Contact your manufacturer, dealership, or previous owner of your vehicle.
Check the documents like DMV registration, Insurance forms, lease records, and other important documents like dealership delivery documents.